Our Belief
One of life's greatest pleasures is the opportunity to expand your horizons and gain a freshperspective through travel. Your next memorable journey begins right here, right now, withShenandoah Tours.
What to Expect
When you contact our travel agency, we use the information you provide regarding your desires,your interests, and your travel budget to help select the cruise or vacation package that best suits your needs. And our services are FREE!!
Our Partner
Shenandoah Tours is a proud partner of Travel Alliance Partners, LLC,
more commonly referred to
as TAP. In addition to our unique in-house developed tours, our partnership with TAP gives you
expanded travel destinations worldwide, which are available through select qualified, reputable
tour operators. Because of TAP's innovative guaranteed departure concept, you'll find over a
hundred guaranteed places to travel.
- Member of Virginia Motor Coach Association
- Member of Shenandoah Valley Travel Association
- Member of American Bus Association and Travel Alliance Partners
- Virginia Motor Coach Association Tour Operator of the Year (2010, 2014 & 2017)